Monday, January 4, 2010


2009 was quite an eventful year. I was blessed with good health, good tidings and many accomplishments. Business projects initiated were successfully completed and along the way gained experience on what true friendship means.

It was also the year I revisited my interests in currencies and vintage watches collections. The hobbies that soon got the better of me and in no time I was blogging about those hobbies. Many postings done and many genuine friends with similar interests get acquainted. By December, the collections viz. old currency notes, vintage watches, pre-owned watches and new watches just swelled up and the inventories list grew longer. The hobbies drained lots of precious time and resources but on the other hand knowledge on currencies and watches accumulated.

At many points in time, I began to question the rationality of pursuing the hobbies pondering whether I have been overzealous and need to abandon or curtail in order to concentrate on earning my upkeeps and spending more time tackling some other worthwhile activities like community services.

Questions that keep lingering in my mind...

Well, I reckon the answer lies in the heart and what one wants or likes to do while striking the right balance in life.

As of now, I think I will just continue to do what I have been happy doing before. I have passed the half century mark, so that’s not much life left in me, so to speak.

I saw this caption on a desk calendar “Time only seems to matter when it’s running out.” Kind of agree though like to add "...and people seem to matter only when they have ran out of time."

So, a little indulgence on my hobbies wouldn’t do any harm I guess while at the same time pursue my interest in community services.

WELCOME 2010...


Anonymous said...

Selamat tahun baru LT
Glad to see appearance in this blog too.
Green Rolex. So metaphoric.
A definition of priceless (time) gift granted by Allah normally come in a green form. A green world. A greener grass on the grassroots. A peace of mind. And now a green Rolex.
Wish a long grateful year ahead to you and family.
Happy watch-ing

duniajam said...

Moga tahun-tahun seterusnya Dato sekeluarga ditambah rezeki & dirahmatiNYA.


selamat tahun baru untuk semua warga tambun dan warga jam.

Limau tambun said...

Sdr Minha, Sdr Dr Asmar dan Sdr Haizul,

Semoga Allah swt terus memberkati kita semua dengan kesihatan yang baik, dimurahkan rezeki dan ditingkatkan iman.

p/s Min, tatang isteri tu baik-baik...ceria selalu dan jangan terlalu stress!

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