Wednesday, May 18, 2011


As I was travelling along the Nanjing Road, Shanghai, appreciating the beautiful landscapes of the city, I kind of noticed an interesting face of a clock erected at the front of a building. I immediately requested the driver to stop the car just for me to have a closer look.

The imposing sculpture of a melting clock in the design of a footprint was too mesmerizing to give a miss.

Took a few quick shot with a promise that I would definitely source for more information since I could not locate any plaque nearby.

What I found out from my search was more interesting.

Apparently this sculpture echoes the “The Persistence of Memory”, the famous painting of the celebrated Spanish artist, Salvador Dali that first appeared in 1931 featuring a melting watch to symbolize the passage of time.

It was erected in 2007 in commemoration of the Shanghai exhibitions of Dali's works.

Similar sculpture named "THE NOBILITY OF TIME" were erected in Mendrisio, Switzerland and the capital city of Andorra.

The sculpture has also been displayed in London, Berlin, Vienna and Paris.

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